morning mist rises from wilderness lake gunflint trail

places to buy and rent outdoor gear on the north shore

Hundreds of lakes and rivers dot the inland landscape, perfect for camping, canoeing, hiking, fishing, being outside. Don’t have the gear you need? Not sure where to go? Outfitters rent everything you need to spend a few hours, a day, a few nights, a week or more canoeing and camping.

If you’re interested in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, they can help you acquire permits and plan your trip, and, if you want, they’ll go along as a guide.

If you’re looking for just the right gear and equipment, stop at one of the stores that specialize in outdoor gear. You’ll get expertise, recommendations, and just what you need. 

gunflint mile 47.3 + 0.6 miles from Gunflint Trail


Each visit to this area is a wilderness adventure. Encounter a never ending variety of clear water lakes and enjoy nature - feed a moose, call a loon, fish for tasty walleye, listen to the crackle of your campfire, or just enjoy the fading sunset as dusk settles in the Gunflint wilderness. Our unique trips set the standards for adventure in the Boundary Waters country, from our care for the environment, to the thorough planning of your trip and the commitment to excellence we offer based on our 70+ years of outfitting at Gunflint.


143 S Gunflint Lake Rd | Grand Marais
gunflint mile 27.4 + 4.1 miles from Gunflint Trail


As the original Gunflint Trail outfitter, we’ve been helping people explore the Boundary Waters Canoe Area for 100 years. Our experts know the area, the lakes, and have everything you need to make memories that will last a lifetime. Kevlar canoes, complete or partial outfitting with meal options, fishing gear, permits, and towing services are available. We can also provide bunkhouse beds or other lodging, as well as a hot breakfast option.


774 Clearwater Road | Grand Marais
mile 82.4


With great rates, excellent service, a convenient location and quality equipment, Sawtooth Outfitters should be your first choice for BWCA canoe outfitting, kayak rentals and tours, as well as bicycle rentals and service. Stop in to check out our outdoor gear store where you will find a wide variety of products to fit the needs of any outdoor enthusiast. Whether you are visiting the North Shore looking for fun and adventure or planning a wilderness canoe trip, we are here to help.


7213 Minnesota 61 | Tofte
mile 109.8


Join us up the Gunflint Trail for a guided day trip by canoe, foot, or snowshoe into the Boundary Waters Canoe Area. We provide guided tours for those wanting to explore the history, culture, flora and fauna of Minnesota's Northwoods. Our tours are customized to your comfort level and abilities making them a great option for folks of all ages who want to experience wilderness canoeing and hiking – without the commitment of camping out for the night. Let our experienced and professional guides take care of the planning and portaging, you relax and enjoy the sights. The wilderness awaits.


Artist Point | Grand Marais
gunflint mile 30.0


Provides complete and partial outfitting services for wilderness canoe trips into the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and Quetico Provincial Park. We offer customers quality lightweight equipment and good food at reasonable costs for their trip into canoe country.


7778 Gunflint Trail | Grand Marais
gunflint mile 43.7 + 3.1 miles from Gunflint Trail


Small store with hand-picked interesting items, eclectic mix of groceries and some surprises.


579 South Gunflint Lake | Grand Marais
mile 26.0

A fine selection of books, maps, clothes, pins, patches, postcards and posters, and Granite Gear.

The 'Gooseberry Gap' has been rerouted and the trail is now open.


618 1st Avenue | Two Harbors
mile 90.2 + 1.8 miles

Unique gifts, exclusive apparel, ski/snowboard accessories, home decor, books, toys and more! In the historic Scandinavian Chalet


In the Chalet, 452 Ski Hill Road | Lutsen
mile 109.7

Where sportsmen meet. Sporting goods, live bait, tackle and licenses, hardware, gas, home goods and everything you forgot.


18 1st Ave W | Grand Marais
mile 109.8 + 0.1 miles

Grand Marais outdoor adventure store. High quality gear and clothing, hand-picked by our staff. We also have a rental shop and offer outdoor tours all year long.


22 East 1st Street | Grand Marais
mile 82.8 + 22.6 miles

Whether you are a beginner or an expert, we can help you have a successful canoe trip in Minnesota's famous BWCA Wilderness. Our own love of wilderness has given us the experience to advise you.


4620 Sawbill Trail | Tofte
mile 25.6 + 0.3 miles

Your resource for all things outdoor adventure. With an expertly curated selection of bikes and gear we’re here to support your wildest cycling dreams and more. Bike rentals, service and custom, durable bikepacking and bike touring Cedaero bags right here in our shop!


1130 11th Street | Two Harbors
mile 58.7

Open 9am-4pm daily with extended hours in the summer; is also a Minnesota Rest Area with restrooms open 24/7. The center features an outdoor fireplace plaza, sunlit lobby with an interpretive area, a gift shop, restrooms, and acts the winter warming house, as does the Lodge at Tettegouche Camp. The park has two free electric vehicle charging stations in the visitor center parking lot. Picnic areas with shelters are located at the visitor center, and Tettegouche Camp, plus open-air picnic areas at the trailhead and and Nipisquit Lake.


5702 Minnesota 61 | Silver Bay
mile 79.0

Our North Shore shop is located in Schroeder adjacent to the Gitchi Gami, Minnesota’s premier paved bike trail which runs along Lake Superior. Book a tour or rent by the 1/2 day, full day and multi-day. Take the bikes and pave your own path. Chargers & 1UP Racks available to haul your bikes.

We also have eBike compatibility maps to help you find the best routes possible!


7902 MN-61 | Schroeder
mile 79.7

See more of the Shore

​EBikes allow you to reconnect to that joy and excitement of being a kid again; the ease, the fun and the joy of 2 wheels and the wind in your face. 

From our location you can see take in the expansive shore of Lake Superior, see the uniquely rugged waterfalls of the Temperance River, cruise into the North Shore Winery, ride inland to discover the natural beauty that exists just over the hill...and ride up that hill while giggling instead of wheezing! 

Half day $75 or full day $125. Must be 15 to rent.


7759 Minnesota 61 | Schroeder
gunflint mile 25.9 + 0.9 miles from Gunflint Trail

We are a small outfitter located on East Bearskin Lake, entry point 64. We take pride in being able to deal with each group’s personal needs. When we are not working, we are paddling, and we hope that is reflected in the routing and general advice that we give each trip. We strive to keep our equipment top notch, and base most of our gear choices on what we have personally used in the past. We can help with full outfitting, gear rental, or just have a question about a lake you might be paddling through. We are always willing to talk about canoe trips


124 E Bearskin Rd | Grand Marais
gunflint mile 28.1 + 1.9 miles from Gunflint Trail

We specialize in customized outfitted canoe trips for small groups. Our fifty years of BWCA canoe guiding experience is put to work for you in planning and outfitting your canoe adventure. All our trips are geared to your interest and abilities, from novice to expert. Located in the mid Gunflint Trail’s with direct access to many BWCA entry points. Looking for something a bit out of the ordinary? Try our Canoe-Mountain Bike Combo Trip. Other specialty trips we offer are Lodge to Lodge Hiking on the Superior Hiking Trail, guided and unguided birding trips, Canoe Inn to Inn, guided day canoe trips to Rose Falls, educational Fire Ecology Canoe/Kayak Tour.


11 Poplar Creek Drive | Grand Marais
gunflint mile 29.0 + 2.0 miles from Gunflint Trail

We provide gear, food, and advice for wilderness canoeing, camping, and fishing in northeastern Minnesota’s Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and Ontario’s Quetico Park. Let us give you the attention and service that will make your vacation safe, relaxing, and fun.

Whether you need everything for a trip or just a lighter canoe and some good advice, we can help you.


318 South Hungry Jack Road | Grand Marais
gunflint mile 31.2 + 0.2 miles from Gunflint Trail

At Rockwood, we realize that every party has different wants and needs on a canoe trip. Whether you are a beginner or have taken many canoe trips, our goal is to make your trip the best vacation ever.


50 Rockwood Road | Grand Marais
gunflint mile 46.5 + 0.9 miles from Gunflint Trail

A full service outfitter, offering both complete and partial outfitting options.  We have canoes and camping gear perfectly suited for your trip into the BWCAW and Quetico Provicial Park.  We also offer tow service from our private dock on Saganaga Lake to give you a jump start on your trip. We offer a range of packages to fit your needs as well as partial outfitting for those who just need a few items to complete their trip.


193 Round Lake | Grand Marais
gunflint mile 53.1

Conveniences, groceries, t-shirts, hats, maps, books, cold beverages and treats, and souvenirs.


12208 Gunflint Trail | Grand Marais
gunflint mile 54.2 + 1.0 miles from Gunflint Trail

Everything you need for a completely outfitted canoe camping trip into the Boundary Waters or Quetico Park.  We are conveniently located at the end of Minnesota's Gunflint Trail with direct access from our dock into the BWCA or Quetico.


189 Sag Lake Trail | Grand Marais
gunflint mile 55.0

Limited camping supplies, trail food, fishing tackle, bait and licenses, snacks, cold pop, beer, ice, and souvenirs. And Trails End Cafe, serving breakfast, lunch & pizza plus beer and wine.

Trails End Cafe is closed for 2023; hope to re-open in 2024.


12582 Gunflint Trail | Grand Marais
two harbors country inn hotel two harbors winter get away
sparkling wintry lake superior and ice sheets stacked on north shore

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