Keeper’s View Anniversary Event

Date: July 28, 2023

Time: 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Location: Split Rock Lighthouse

Event Description

Celebrate Split Rock’s 113th birthday with food, fascinating stories, and a breathtaking lighthouse beacon lighting. Hear first-hand accounts on the difficulties of building the light station from the man that designed it through a costumed interpreter. A 30-minute guided tour will highlight many early stories about the difficult construction of Split Rock with a costumed interpreter. Guests can register for one of seven evening guided tours. When not on tour, you can watch our original educational film, Tribute to the Age of Steel.

Explore the grounds on your own and make sure to check out the new exhibit that highlights many new artifacts, including the original construction estimate documents and first-hand accounts of what it was like to build the lighthouse.

In addition to our special programming, we will have appetizers and drinks from the Rustic Inn. The Split Rock Lighthouse beacon will be turned on at 9:00 p.m.

Guests are encouraged to dress for the weather, bring a headlamp, bug spray, and folding chairs as seating is limited for the meal.

Event sponsored by Lovin’ Lake County.

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Keeper's View Anniversary Event


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