NorthShore Inline Marathon
Skate | Run | Rollerski Founded in 1996, the NorthShore Inline Marathon is dedicated to spreading the love of inline skating and overall fitness. Every [...]
Jazz Brunch with Briand Morrison
Join us every Sunday this summer from 10 am-12 pm for Jazz Brunch with guitarist Briand Morrison at Moguls Grille & Tap Room at Caribou [...]
Clover Valley Farm Trail
The Clover Valley Farm Trail is a co-operative group of locally-owned, small farms located in or near Clover Valley, a farming community between Duluth and [...]
Joe Paulik Live on the Rooftop
Singer/songwriter and folksinger Joe Paulik will perform on the Raven's Nest Rooftop Bar at the Gun Flint Tavern in downtown Grand Marais, Sundays from 1 [...]
Music on the Mountain
Join us Sunday nights 5 - 7 pm and Wednesday nights 4-6 pm this summer at Mogul's Grille & Taproom at Caribou Highlands Lodge for [...]