Moose lick salt on road
November 17, 2023 - December 18, 2023
12:00 am
When temps drop in the winter, roads are salted to keep ice from forming. Like many of us, moose crave a little salt. Carefully drive [...]

Dark Skies Gallery Exhibition
Join us for our latest exhibit, Dark Skies, from artists Adam Swanson and Sam Zimmerman. Swanson and Zimmerman join forces to present a powerful exhibition [...]

North Shore Pancake Spiel
Pancakes and curling - the perfect thing to do on a December weekend! Gather your team and register, we gaurantee three games and lots of [...]

Lutsen Mountains Early Season Friday-Sunday
Lutsen Mountains open for the season this weekend!

Meat Raffle
Join us every Friday night for a meat raffle at American Legion Post 109!