Silver Bay Music in the Park Free Concert Series
Rocky Wall Productions is hosting a free outdoor concert series, consisting of different performers every Friday for 8 weeks! The shows will be held at [...]
Northwoods Quilts Gallery Exhibition
Join us for our latest gallery exhibition, Northwoods Quilts featuring artist Beret Borson Nelson. Putting on display just how versatile thread and fabric can be, [...]
August Full Moon
Full Moon, Super moon, Blue Moon! This full moon is as close to the earth as the moon gets (super moon) and is the 4th [...]
Music in the Park, Grand Marais
The Grand Marais Music Collaborative (GMMC) and Visit Cook County invite you to enjoy live music in the park, on the waterfront in downtown Grand [...]
Full Moon Reading with Sandra Hikusani
This is an open community bonfire where all are encouraged to share a favorite piece of prose or literature. There are no limits to the [...]