fall color itinerary north shore mn

see north shore mn fall colors

If you want to see North Shore MN fall colors, you are in luck, we have two seasons. And the colors are magnificent. First the maples turn, showy and bright, peaking around September 23 through October 10. As the maple leaves begin to fall, the shoreline birch and aspen go golden making the Highway 61 corridor fantastic. The second season runs from late September through the 3rd week of October. Or so. Sometimes we get a Halloween snowstorm. Once in a [great] while, it is balmy through Thanksgiving.

So, where can you see North Shore MN fall colors? Here are ideas for you to make the most of your fall color visit. Choose an itinerary that works for you, or mix and match. Use the rest of the website to customize your trip [Lodging, Communities, Events, etc].

North Shore fall color itineraries are by season, then by drives and hikes, plus we put together an option for guided tours.

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